Our Downtown Merchants have dressed up their windows with beautiful art to help celebrate “The Love Affair” in downtown Tifton.
We are so excited, said Fran Kinchen of the Downtown Main Street Office, our local artists and high school students have pulled out some of their magnificent art pieces so that we can display them in windows throughout downtown Main Street. We are excited to be a part of Love Affair as it celebrates 30 years of Art! Downtown Main Street has lots of activities planned on the evening of April 30 as we bring Art Alive in Downtown Tifton.
Join us for an exciting evening beginning at 4:30 p.m. with the “Happy 30th Birthday” Love Affair Parade, our kids will kick-off Love Affair with a dressed-up walking parade from Fulwood Park to the Tifton Museum of Arts & Heritage where we will have an array of Children’s Art Exhibits coupled with the Awards Ceremony and Window Contest winners.
Three Graces at the Lankford Manor will have Poetry CafĂ© with Jeff Newberry & Open Mic Performers at 6pm; also from 6-7pm, there will be Art Exhibit at the Atlantic Coastline Artist Guild; then there is Jazz in the Myon Courtyard with Jim Newton and Friends, and do not miss “Steel Magnolias” at 7pm at the Tift Theatre for the Performing Arts.
We look forward to an exciting evening in Downtown Tifton as we celebrate The Love Affair 30 Years of Art in the Heart! We invited everyone to come join us on April 30.